Everyday is a Gift

The universe lays in the palm of your hands….

  • You have the ability to change the world
  • You have the ability to be anything you desire
  • You have the ability to turn your dreams into reality
  • You have the ability to be the best version of yourself every. damn. day.


There is so much beauty in the simple things in life. Take a step back and begin with you. Once you find beauty within, you will find beauty in the simplicity around you.

The universe doesn’t need you to know everything. The universe doesn’t need you to be perfect. The universe just needs you to show up and give it your best shot. Right here, right no, in this present moment in time. So lead by example, share your experiences and inspire others with your actions. The universe has given a gift and you should never hold that back.

The simple things are the most extraordinary things life has to offer, but only a few can see them. Pay attention, unravel your gifts, and live in the present moment. If you haven’t found the beauty… I hope you find it in you to start turning in to what surrounds you.

Every single moment is beautiful, don’t take it for granted.

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Long time no post… I know I know, I am slacking with the blog life…

SORRRRRYYYYY (In the voice of my friend KJ).

Anyways friends, if you aren’t apart of the facebook, instagram, possible twitter life there has been a “challenge” going around to post a picture from 10 years ago and now. As I have gone back and forth, spent time trying to find a picture of myself from 2009, I have come to the conclusion:

The real glow up is not external.

I’ve learned that once you start focusing on yourself internally (emotional, mental, nutritionally) everything about you will change. Honestly, EVERYTHING! You start to view things differently, experience spirituality on another level, and glow from within.

Here are a few things that really stuck with me through this last year of growth – mainly lessons I’ve experienced that left a mark and changed me for the better:

  1. Be the one who nurtures and builds
  2. Be the one who looks for the best in people
  3. Leave people better than you found them
  4. When you focus on you, YOU grow
  5. Fall in love with becoming the very best version of yourself
  6. Lean into discomfort.
  7. Get out of your own way, stop trying to control everything and get it all perfect/exact. Surrender, let go and make room for growth.

Honestly, NUMBER 7 is the hardest for me. Especially with my new job and new role.

I am the hardest on myself – it’s something I know about me. In my field it is hard to suppress the feeling that if I’m better the results will be better, etc, etc. I am on “over thinker” (nothing new to those that know me!) I strive to stay accountable and ensure progressive growth and avoid stagnation and “getting comfortable”. Thats just me… HI WORLD. Anyways, this past week I have been super hard on myself and super anxious. BUT, this evening I had a conversation with the wise old owl who told me to think about the situation I was disappointed in today. He asked me to think about the WORST case scenario and then figure out what I will do… He told me if I have a plan – then I am prepared for the worst case scenario. However, the odds of this “worst case scenario” happening are VERY slim. BUT, on the odd chance that it does happen – there is already a plan in motion. So now that I know what I will do – I don’t need to spend time and energy thinking about it because it wont be unknown or foreign to me if it does happen. I already know what I will do and I AM SET! That hit home for me – I continue to work on less anxious thoughts and worry and bettering myself with positive talk!

Anyways, I hope you all are having a time and living your best life.

Keep being yourself and shinning 🙂 




Goals & Obstacles

Obstacles are detours in the right direction – Gabrielle Bernstein

There are so many things that get in the way of achieving your goals. Doing your best does not always mean to be the best – doing your best means to never stop trying.

Personally, this summer began with a long list of goals and a meticulously planned schedule for everything I wish to accomplish. I have always had big eyes and high hopes for what I would like to accomplish BUT more often than not we encounter obstacles that can be discouraging and make our goals feel un-attainable.

Essentially, anything that diverts our attention away from our goals can take a huge toll on you and your outlook.

Even when obstacles are temporary they still take away from who you strive to be. I am constantly in a state of reminding myself to objectively assess the roadblocks set in front of me and step away from my emotions, anxiety or stress (sometimes all three) in order to identify a new route and keep moving forward.

&& we must ALWAYS, always, move forward – even if its at a snails pace (it’s a lot easier said than done – and evidently… life will get in the way- BUT we cannot let unanticipated disappointment undermine our momentum).

Everything is ALL right.

Nurture your desire.

Don’t spend time criticizing yourself, re-frame the situation and do something to rekindle your desire.

TIP: Take time for yourself, review your goals and adjust where need be.

Birth Control & Periods

Girly post alert…

Ohh the joys of growing up…

There is so much apprehension going on today regarding birth control and the benefits of it. Each woman has the right to consciously decide what they do to their body. When I went to my doctor to go on birth control I got anxious due to my medical history that it would do more harm then good – so I had to go to a specialist. When I first started it I thought “hmm, sounds viable, I’ll give it a go”.

I have never really struggled with heavy periods or excessive cramps – I consider myself quite lucky in this regard. My main struggle has always been hormonal acne (oh, yay). As soon as I started it my body reacted and responded in a way I did not anticipate. So eventually, I hit a point where I said “hell no! this is not me!” My friends were telling me I was not my normal self.. So I think maybe the point slapped me in the face and I decided to listen – lol. I am so thankful that I did and listened to my intuition and friends. Fake hormones did not react well for me and did not work out. Sorry to my friends that had to put up with birth control Amy.

After going off the pill I began talking to some of my friends who also shared their horror stories of different pills and the way their bodies reacted. Don’t get me wrong – if it works for you by all means, you do you girl!! But I believe that for me the fake hormones made me into someone I am not and I acted in ways that I am not proud of. Crazy how one little pill can have a big impact.

Personally, I have always struggled with some sort of hormonal imbalance but was not educated on why or how. The older I get the more interested in natural techniques and wellness I become. Now, don’t get me wrong. Natural methods are not the easiest. It certainly takes persistence and an interest in wanting to do what is best for your body. Without falling into peer pressure or living your life for others.

Like I mentioned, a HUGE factor to Birth Control that compelled me to want to stay on it was the fear of my acne getting worse. Awful, being 22 and having acne. It is one of the things that get me self conscious – especially when I am meeting clients and parents. I feel like I look 12. Although that has been a side effect of me going off birth control, I decided I have to pick and choose my battles. Quite frankly my peeps, life is all about picking and choosing your battles and always looking for the good in every situation. Going through what I have been on my pill journey I have learned a lot about myself.

With that being said, I have now been off Birth Control for about 3 months now and it was one of the most important decisions I have made for my body. So far, I have not had any relapse of going off the pill except acne. However, emotionally I feel SOO much more stable. Your acne will eventually become at bay my peeps. Keep reminding yourself that it does not define you (this is a constant reminder to myself). If someone defines you by your looks and are not interest in getting to know who you are they are not worth your time (MOVE FORWARD, MOVE ON – or as my sister will say “throw out the Kleenex”).

All in all, learn to be in tune with your body and be able to recognize changes that happen with any medication. Always have open communication and be honest with whoever you trust and are with. It is so important.

Whatever floats your boat my peeps.

Keep working on yourself because you are all amazing ❤

Move Forward


Always think about moving forward! Progressing further. Seeking something greater, always. This world has so much to offer, it is up to you to find it. Sitting on the couch looking like a potato isn’t helping you find better or be the best version of yourself.

Think about it..

Are you actually the person you say you want to be?
Do your words, actions, choices, and behaviours reflect the version of yourself you feel best about?
Are you proud of who you are?
Are you confident that others would describe you in the way you ideally want to be described?
What does it mean to be that person?
What does that person prioritize?
How does that person love others?
How do they show gratitude?
What does that person stand for?

Look at yourself. Be critical. BUT be nice to yourself. Some truth may sting, but thats the point. If you know that your words and actions are not reflecting the best version of yourself, lean into space.

We ALL have room to rise up and improve. We all have room to identify how we get in the way of our own life. Challenging you to decide how you want to be, decide what areas need attention, and live each day one day at a time committed to creating the best version of yourself. That person you want to be.

You all got this and you can all do it ❤


Finding Comfort in the Chaos

Hey my peeps.

I’ll be honest, the past few weeks and this past weekend in general have probably been one of the more stressful times I have had… Hence my writing thoughts that I hope make sense to the virtual world out there.

Something I have learned recently, with the help of a friend giving me a strong push and helping me find where my headspace is, is that stress is about perceptions.

How you think about and deal with tough situations. I truly have been trying to trust the path that my life takes… With the belief that everything happens for a reason and everything will work out as it is suppose to. Any negative or challenging situation is seen as a learning experience. While, at times this is difficult to learn from a situation and move the HECK on. Since it is easier to stay stuck on a certain idea or thought in your head… But seriously, don’t focus on the past. It is in the past for a reason. Setting goals and looking at what is in front of you is truly the way to go.


  • What can I do in this moment to accelerate forward ?
  • What can I do to become a better version of myself?

It’s kind of like lego… piece by piece, layer by layer, small adjustments add to BIG results.

All in all, your life is a reflection of what you think. But in life, you also attract into life what you judge.


  • Other peoples opinions do NOT define you
  • You do not owe anyone anything
  • No-one can change your life for you
  • Learn to grow from what people have to offer you
  • You have the capacity to love others and yourself infinitely
  • MINDSET is everything – be in touch with your higher self.

Stress is something that happens – you cannot avoid it.

Stress keeps you sharp – it challenges you in ways you never imagined and forces you to solve issues and manage situations. Stress enables you to grow. In face, you cannot succeed without stress. Your level of success is defined by how well you embrace and manage it. You hold all the power my peeps.


The best things in life take time…

and you have time.



I’ll Make You Better

Image result for you are amazing quote

A song came on my playlist today and it said “I’ll make you better”…

My peeps, it got me thinking:

Make some else’s life better. 

We are designed to live in a sense of community. We are destined to have empathy and sympathy for others. We are designed to make each others live better.

Limiting ourselves is appearing to be today’s standard and is everywhere we look in our daily lives. DON’T be today’s standard. Instead, stand out.

However you see it, despite what we may see, I choose to believe humanity has an incredibly powerful way of stepping up when we need it the most.

Who are you helping by your day to day living? It can be as simple as sharing a smile with someone, or reaching out to help someone in need.

Think of the big picture.
Think about your dreams, goals, and ambitions and how they will affect and impact the lives of others.
If you choose not to pursue your dream, who will brighten the lives of those counting on you?

No matter your dream, fitness, music, business, being motivational, etc. When people understand the heart of why you’re doing what you’re doing, lives are impacted. And you goal will ripple.

All in all, make someone else’s life better.



Energy Spent on Worries

Today I was sent a text from a friend it said the quote:

“Worrying is not a good use of energy”

I have come to realize that every obstacle is only a stepping stone. Being given this powerful saying about worry resonates with me because I suffer from being an overanxious thinking and worry is like my middle name.

However, useless worrying is detrimental to our mental and physical well-being, our sane decision making, our stress levels, things that keep us up at night and can essentially erode our happiness and mindset.

A life skill that I am currently in the process of learning is to understand how to better separate the good worry that protects us, from the useless worry, that harms us.

This is vital to your sanity. 

By no means am I saying not to care about anything or never to worry. What I am trying to get at here is that worrying is inevitable, but being able to harness what you worry about and being in control of your anxious states is crucial. Become conscious of what you worry about. Make sure its something that is worth your time. We give so much needless attention to things that do not deserve to be worried about.

This is a new mindset I am in the process of adapting. I have been reading a perspective book: The Subtle Art of Not Giving a Fuck. Thanks to this book and a few people who have given me a good shake I am on the track to worrying less.

If you need a good book my peeps, check it out.



The Storm

Hey my peeps. Sorry I have been AWOL for a bit. Life has just been crazy busy and working through some stuff. I am still unbelievable amazed at how many followers I have gained while being so inactive. So.. thanks for stopping by 🙂

Over the past week I have learned some very powerful stuff that resonated with me and I thought I would share with you all.

What storm are you in?

I’m not sure what it is but everyone I talk to lately seems to be in a similar state. Maybe thats the universe working its magic but everyone seems to just be hanging in there.

Keep in mind, I am in my last few weeks of my undergrad and the stress of finishing and working is just crazy. But…

A lot of people seem to be facing some sort of challenge right now (myself included)

Maybe its …

  • anxiety
  • depression
  • lacking self love
  • feeling lost in school
  • feeling lost with your health
  • feeling overwhelmed
  • not on top of what makes you happy
  • desiring a relationship
  • just ending a relationship

Whatever it may be, we need to remind ourselves that the storm you are currently living in is not a storm that lasts forever.

Speaking with one of my close friends, a powerful metaphor suggested that a storm should be thought of like a river or the ocean. Just like anything, life will never stop flowing.

What is NOW will not be forever.

Although things are tough right now and everything feels like it is piling up and you can’t seem to see things clearly.

Your storm will pass.

It might not be tomorrow or the next day or even next week or next month, but it will flow right on by. And soon you will bounce back and so will the sun and you will have your rainbow.

Keep the faith my peeps. Patience is your friend.



It’s OKAY to be Selfish…

Lately, I have been spending a lot of alone time with myself reflecting on this whole learning process I currently feel like I am going through.

As a self-proclaimed people pleaser, I treasure alone time.

Spending time with friends and family is something I throughly enjoy: sometimes I hate being alone and sometimes I love it. But I find that a lot of the time I need my own time to recharge and think.

After all, the relationship that matters the most is the one we have with ourselves. While this is often hard to see – it is simply truth.

A lot of people mistake being alone for loneliness. But this is NOT the case my peeps.

Being alone is an amazing opportunity to learn about yourself. Feel comfortable with your own thoughts. Something I have finally learned to do in the past few weeks. It is completely okay that not everyone appreciates solitude as much as I do, and I totally respect that. Some people learn more about themselves with others.

However, I do believe it is vital to take time for yourself and at the end of the day it is beneficial for all of us, even if it’s just 10 minutes out of your whole day. Sometimes being surrounded by others 24/7 can make us act in ways we wouldn’t normally behave. Think about the mannerisms you use with friends. I have some friends I talk completely different with and others I sound like a basic white girl. I have a different persona when I see clients then when I am talking with my friends – it’s good to just hang out and spend some time with yourself.

Take those 10 minutes to regroup and focus on what you want to achieve that day. Or possibly, what you did achieve that day.

5 Reasons Why It Is Important to Take Time for Yourself:

1. It gives you time to think

It’s easy to get caught up in everything that is going on in our lives especially on social media or with our social groups. Hands up if you ever get FOMO (fear of missing out), I know I do and more often than not it makes me feel like I need to keep up. Or possibly not being invited to things leads me to overthink. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, I HIGHLY recommend you take some time for yourself. Sometimes all we need is a break to organize our thoughts and figure everything out. I recently came across this quote by Oprah:

“Alone time is when I distance myself from the voices of the world so I can hear my own.”

This speaks volume to me. Ways I like to be alone: take my dog to the dog park, go for a run or walk, write down why I am grateful, read something of choice (not textbooks, haha), or just lay in bed listening to my own thoughts, listening to music, it sometimes helps me see everything more clearly.

2. Helps you create a healthier relationship with yourself

Spending time with yourself means you’re listening to your own thoughts and being attentive to your needs. You start noticing how you think and what you like & don’t like without being influenced by the people around you. I am a HUGELY influenced by the vibes of people I am surrounded by, and let me tell you, that shit can and will take a toll on your well being. You need to appreciate life through your own perspective – not others. Give space for self discovery and explore your own personality. Discover how amazing you can be when you’re living the way you want, what you like and what makes you happiest. Try out new things like meditation, no one’s there to judge, anyway.

3. You become more independent

Being alone forces you to become less dependent on others. Don’t get me wrong, it is great to have different people you can ask when you want advice or company, but sometimes it’s good to do things on your own, to prove to yourself you are capable. You will eventually start trusting your instincts and in turn, you will feel more confident about who you are. Recently I decided I needed to take a step back from everything and re-evaluate how and where I exert my energy. Even though it is probably one of the scarier things I’ve done, as I have always struggled to say no or be up front with people. I believe it’s something I need to do for myself. I realized that I am responsible for making myself happy.

4. You can do whatever you want

What’s the best thing about being alone? You can do whatever you want.


Binge on Netflix, eat chocolate for dinner or sing to the songs you’re cleaning your room too, no one is there to judge you. Have a movie night in alone, you pick what you watch – you have all the time to be indecisive and no-one to remind you have indecisive you are. No one’s time is on your hands…go shopping and try on everything you want, even when you know you can’t afford very much haha (student life) – there’s no one there complaining about how long you’re taking. Explore a coffee shop near you, you’re the one picking the vibe and how you want to feel! So yes, maybe trying something other than being a basic white girl and going to Starbucks. While it’s great having someone there you can share those little moments with, ridin’ solo can teach you SO much.

 5. You get time to relax and recharge

Self-care is super important and taking time to enjoy your own company not only helps to clear your mind but it’s also a great way to recharge your mind and body.


(Friendly reminder that it so important to ensure you are attentive to all aspects of your life. Not just your body/aesthetics at the gym, not just your mind in school and not solely what you want to do) – sometimes we need to sacrifice certain things in order to succeed. Don’t forget that.

Sometimes all you need is to disconnect from the world outside for a little while – because it can be so important to switch off – and enjoy your own company. Take a warm shower, read a good book or make yourself a good cup of tea, do a face-mask or take yourself for dinner. Spend time with yourself. Figure out who you are without the influence of others. It is so important.


Keep on doing the things you want friends. YOU DO YOU.
