It’s OKAY to be Selfish…

Lately, I have been spending a lot of alone time with myself reflecting on this whole learning process I currently feel like I am going through.

As a self-proclaimed people pleaser, I treasure alone time.

Spending time with friends and family is something I throughly enjoy: sometimes I hate being alone and sometimes I love it. But I find that a lot of the time I need my own time to recharge and think.

After all, the relationship that matters the most is the one we have with ourselves. While this is often hard to see – it is simply truth.

A lot of people mistake being alone for loneliness. But this is NOT the case my peeps.

Being alone is an amazing opportunity to learn about yourself. Feel comfortable with your own thoughts. Something I have finally learned to do in the past few weeks. It is completely okay that not everyone appreciates solitude as much as I do, and I totally respect that. Some people learn more about themselves with others.

However, I do believe it is vital to take time for yourself and at the end of the day it is beneficial for all of us, even if it’s just 10 minutes out of your whole day. Sometimes being surrounded by others 24/7 can make us act in ways we wouldn’t normally behave. Think about the mannerisms you use with friends. I have some friends I talk completely different with and others I sound like a basic white girl. I have a different persona when I see clients then when I am talking with my friends – it’s good to just hang out and spend some time with yourself.

Take those 10 minutes to regroup and focus on what you want to achieve that day. Or possibly, what you did achieve that day.

5 Reasons Why It Is Important to Take Time for Yourself:

1. It gives you time to think

It’s easy to get caught up in everything that is going on in our lives especially on social media or with our social groups. Hands up if you ever get FOMO (fear of missing out), I know I do and more often than not it makes me feel like I need to keep up. Or possibly not being invited to things leads me to overthink. If you’re feeling overwhelmed, I HIGHLY recommend you take some time for yourself. Sometimes all we need is a break to organize our thoughts and figure everything out. I recently came across this quote by Oprah:

“Alone time is when I distance myself from the voices of the world so I can hear my own.”

This speaks volume to me. Ways I like to be alone: take my dog to the dog park, go for a run or walk, write down why I am grateful, read something of choice (not textbooks, haha), or just lay in bed listening to my own thoughts, listening to music, it sometimes helps me see everything more clearly.

2. Helps you create a healthier relationship with yourself

Spending time with yourself means you’re listening to your own thoughts and being attentive to your needs. You start noticing how you think and what you like & don’t like without being influenced by the people around you. I am a HUGELY influenced by the vibes of people I am surrounded by, and let me tell you, that shit can and will take a toll on your well being. You need to appreciate life through your own perspective – not others. Give space for self discovery and explore your own personality. Discover how amazing you can be when you’re living the way you want, what you like and what makes you happiest. Try out new things like meditation, no one’s there to judge, anyway.

3. You become more independent

Being alone forces you to become less dependent on others. Don’t get me wrong, it is great to have different people you can ask when you want advice or company, but sometimes it’s good to do things on your own, to prove to yourself you are capable. You will eventually start trusting your instincts and in turn, you will feel more confident about who you are. Recently I decided I needed to take a step back from everything and re-evaluate how and where I exert my energy. Even though it is probably one of the scarier things I’ve done, as I have always struggled to say no or be up front with people. I believe it’s something I need to do for myself. I realized that I am responsible for making myself happy.

4. You can do whatever you want

What’s the best thing about being alone? You can do whatever you want.


Binge on Netflix, eat chocolate for dinner or sing to the songs you’re cleaning your room too, no one is there to judge you. Have a movie night in alone, you pick what you watch – you have all the time to be indecisive and no-one to remind you have indecisive you are. No one’s time is on your hands…go shopping and try on everything you want, even when you know you can’t afford very much haha (student life) – there’s no one there complaining about how long you’re taking. Explore a coffee shop near you, you’re the one picking the vibe and how you want to feel! So yes, maybe trying something other than being a basic white girl and going to Starbucks. While it’s great having someone there you can share those little moments with, ridin’ solo can teach you SO much.

 5. You get time to relax and recharge

Self-care is super important and taking time to enjoy your own company not only helps to clear your mind but it’s also a great way to recharge your mind and body.


(Friendly reminder that it so important to ensure you are attentive to all aspects of your life. Not just your body/aesthetics at the gym, not just your mind in school and not solely what you want to do) – sometimes we need to sacrifice certain things in order to succeed. Don’t forget that.

Sometimes all you need is to disconnect from the world outside for a little while – because it can be so important to switch off – and enjoy your own company. Take a warm shower, read a good book or make yourself a good cup of tea, do a face-mask or take yourself for dinner. Spend time with yourself. Figure out who you are without the influence of others. It is so important.


Keep on doing the things you want friends. YOU DO YOU.


I’m Feeling 22.

Hahahaha, oh the joys of growing up, getting old…

I am two decades and two years deep and I can confidently say I have learned so much in my 22 years thus far, mostly from trial and error… okay, you got me… A LOT of error. But hey… my dudes, you’ve gotta learn somehow.  Am I right?
Learning is a great adventure in this thing we call life.

I know I tend to ramble, this is who I am, so I am gonna try to keep this blog post short and sweet. (Is that truly possible? It probably is possible but probably won’t happen consider I have 22 things to say….bare with me)….
For all my peeps who do enough reading in uni. I feel you guys, my eyes feel like they’re rotting on the daily, concepts and content, BUT…hang in there because I can promise you it will all be worth it. I say this with confidence knowing there is only 10 more days of being in-class and I will be one degree hotter (see what I did there).


Although I am far away from knowing all the answer’s to life’s biggest questions. The last year of my life has been such a learning curve. I have done a lot of growth over the past year. So I shall share with you this:

Life is not perfect. This is a truth that no one can run from.

Mistakes happen. And they are inevitable. In fact, mistakes make us who we are. No matter how hard someone could try to do no wrong, at one point in time or another you will fall short. I mean this with no disrespect. Mistakes happen. That’s life. Bad circumstances toss us around and throw things right out of proportion. And to say the least, failure is real, and it is impossible to resist. But there is always two ways to look at scenarios:

Approach them by allowing the hurt to feed on us. Or we can look at these circumstances as an opportunity to learn, improve, and grow. The choice you make is a testament to the life you will live and who you are.

You can either let these situations destroy you or mold you.

I will share with you, some of the many life lessons I have learned and/ or am in the process of learning since my birth in ’95. Although, realistically I don’t think I retained much the first few years…

My advice to you (I am not big on giving it so take this to heart): dig deep, be tenacious through it all because in the end, you’re all capable or more than you know. 

So enjoy reading some of my thoughts.

1. Time alone is time well spent.

Spend time with yourself. It will be some of the best time you will ever experience. You need to unwind, you need it to re-energize, you need this time alone to focus and you need it to keep your peace. You can go to a cafe by yourself, write down your goals, read a book, meditate, go to the gym, lay in your underwear, bake and just be. Whatever you need to do to feel yourself and be alone with who you are.

2. It is okay to cry. (Honestly, I cry a lot guys, let it out, it feels great – really)

Crying is natural way to reduce emotional stress, let the tears flow my darlings.

FUN FACT: tears actually remove chemicals in your body that build up during emotional stress. So tears can actually “heal” you. No joke.

Emotional crying means that you are human. While all mammals are moistened and soothed by tears, only human beings shed tears when responding to emotional stress. (never thought I would be able to use that word in a public post.. lol weird)

3. Do not be afraid to ask questions, you are not a fool just because you don’t know.

(how will you know if you aren’t willing to learn?)

If you get the chance to learn something new, do it. There is no such thing as being TOO smart. So ask questions. Be an ‘ASKHOLE’ (n): someone who asks many stupid, pointless, or obnoxious questions (got this from a post on Tumblr). But in all seriousness, don’t be afraid to ask. You will learn something new and have more insight.

4. Your mom is usually right (cliche and sappy).

Never underestimate the wise perspective of your momma bear. She carried you and knows you on a deeper level.

5. Being selfish is ok.

This one I sometimes struggle with, but the fact of the matter is that sometimes you need to do what’s best for you and put yourself first. I often put others needs ahead of my own. But sometimes taking a step back and putting yourself first is okay. It may seem selfish, but doing what’s right for you and in your best interest is sometimes the right thing to do! It will also benefit you and others in the long run.

And, being hit with the hard truth recently – when other people tell you they need to be selfish – leave them alone! Don’t suffocate them. We all need time to be selfish – because that is self care. Respect when people ask for space. After all, they are only human.

6. Your grades are NOT symbolic to who you are as a person.

This one is SO SO important:

You’ve written over hundreds of exams and you’ve gotten good scores and other times scored miserably. But, do you remember your 10th grade math score? (I do haha because it was miserable, and I failed, but moving on) Do you even remember 10th grade math? (Could not even tell you what algebra is anymore – math is not my strong suit. I work with kids for a reason). Education is so important but the stress and competitive grading that comes along with it is not. If you get a low grade or even fail, not much will happen – another opportunity will arise, I promise you. But if you get ill – mentally or physically, the undesired long term effects do not always subside for a while. This is nothing to be ashamed of. You know what you need to feel like yourself. If you need to take a step back and drop out of your program to focus on your health – you do you. Your health is not worth risking over grades. This is super hard for me as I always strive to get higher grades.. Yet, grades do not define you. Do not let grades define who you are (I’ve struggled with this the past 4 years of university). Take care of yourself my friends, your health is your wealth.

In school you’re taught a lesson and given a test. In life you’re given a test that teaches you a lesson.


7. Comparing myself to others is counter productive.

It’s tempting to do so. Yes, it’s so hard. But considering life’s infinite variables being thrown at you, we really have no idea what the advantages and disadvantages of one another are. If you’re set on measurable attributes, try comparing yourself to yourself: push for a goal, handle a conflict differently, explore forgiveness. Reward your accomplishments. But focus on bettering yourself not trying to be someone else or look like someone else. This is really hard in the fitness and relationship world. You always want to strive for that “summer bod” or strive for that “power couple” ideal. You always see yourself differently and you always experience things differently. Do not strive to be others; strive to be the best you that you can be 🙂

8. It’s okay to be unsatisfied with where you are at.

But it is your responsibility to not stay in that place permanently. Instead, use your dissatisfaction to fuel your action: apply for a new job, end your stagnant relationship, go to school, travel, talk to a therapist, etc. Much of your life can be spent making minor alterations towards a state of ultimate content. Each day is a step closer to where you want to be. If you are not satisfied take action. Simple as that. You hold the power my peeps.

9. Be accountable for what you do.

“Mistakes are proof that you are trying”: This means owning up to the mistakes you make, just as much as it means owning and defending the space you fill.  You will fuck up, that is a given. And only you can seek atonement for this.  You will need to defend yourself every now and then, and rarely will anyone recognize when this is necessary. But that does not matter. You need to look out for you.  Acknowledging both your mistakes and your rights is equally important. Be patient with yourself, you’re always learning. Mistakes happen. Accept them, and grow from them. Do not dwell on them (#SFLAB).

10. Overthinking is pointless.

Seriously, it is. Stop creating scenarios in your head that “might” happen. Instead, occupy that space in your mind with useful (or random) knowledge, goals, and positive thoughts.  This is a HUGE learning curve that will probably forever remain “in the process” type of learning curve. I am an anxious person that gets triggered by different things depending on the context. I constantly need to remind myself, the here and the now, that is all I have control of. You also have the power to how you react to situations.
My overthinking, over anxious brain will constantly be striving to work on this.

11. Energy is real. 

You may not know much about science beyond 10th grade but you do know that, e=mc ² (just kidding, I didn’t remember that either – is that even a real thing??) But essentially, everything is energy, you are energy and there is both positive and negative energy (get yourself a himalayan salt lamp, balance those ions out my people – this is for you Jese). On that note, you can feel energy and you experience it in every person you meet, every place you visit, every room you step into. You can and you must choose to surround yourself with positive energy. What you attract, you will get; what you attract you will become. Your thoughts become things. You are the product of your environment. If anything, remember that.

12. All the little things do matter.

Especially the thoughtful ones that show that people you care. You parental units appreciate those phone calls, your siblings (although mine may be ruthless) do appreciate the connection you make with them, sending someone a birthday wish reminds them you care, getting someone a tea as a surprise can make someone’s entire day. Little things matter – don’t think, act on kindness.

“People may not remember exactly what you did, or what you said, but they will always remember how you made them feel.”

– Maya Angelou

13. I am biased (and so are you) and I know it (and so should you).

We are all biased, there is no denying this. But we must realize that our perspective is neither better or worse than someone else’s. Let go of the need to be right. You will learn so much more in life. Everyone has a different lived experience then you. Accept that. There are a magnitude of possibilities to every situation and you only know what you experience or what is in your awareness. Everyone is different. You have a bias – be aware of it, acknowledge it and just let go of always needing to win and be right.

14. Live according to your values

I am not perfect, nor do I strive to be. I strive to be who I am and to be a better person.

My values can often be forgotten during times I am caught up in the moment. But determine your values and allow them to give you clarity on your journey of self growth.

I strongly recommend you WRITE THEM DOWN (I tell you this a lot, I know but writing it down opens up your lens and enables you to really see what you are after). It is so important to be able to reward yourself for growing as a person. You need to be able to remind yourself and hold yourself accountable for what you set out to do. Take action, don’t just think about it and never get around to doing it.

15. Ask for advice. 

Listen to people’s perspective. It may open up a new channel for yourself. Talk to people older and more wise, or younger (the young have wisdom too). Other humans have so much to offer you. Don’t always assume you know everything – advice is warranted. Does not mean you need to take it or accept it but be open to hearing others voices. It is sometimes hard but it can open up a whole new world. Young grasshoppers we are all learning.

16. Follow your dreams.

Even if you get sidetracked (which, happens a lot, lets be honest). Follow your goals. More likely than not, things will never work out as envisioned but thats not to say you won’t get to where you need to be when you need to be there.

Speak your dreams, speak them loudly for everyone to hear, you will gain new insight that can push you closer to your goals when you open up about your visions. Use your passion to drive you towards the path set out for you. You may have setbacks but they will only push your forward if you want them to. They can hold you back – but don’t let them. Chase after your dreams.

17. Limit your complaints.
(Of course it is human nature, but that does not mean you should not be mindful of it)

Lately I have found myself complaining about a lot of things that really do not deserve to be complained about – or speaking negative about things that I need to think about before talking about. It has almost become normalized for me and I write this lesson down because I have recognized the harsh reality of it. No one wants to hear it in that manner. Change your situation, learn to cope, or change your perspective. Things DO get better. Focus on the positives not the negatives (still a work in progress at times).

18. What you think about truly matters.

Your thoughts become things. They really do.

Think well by reading good books, building good connections, having good and stimulating conversation and imitating great people. Don’t waste time thinking about little things that don’t matter (this goes with overthinking).

19. Being present takes a conscious effort.

We all get a little caught up in a different moment than the present moment (Ya’ll know what I’m saying?)

Try to remember the importance of grounding yourself in the present moment when you can. Take the time to examine your mindset, and reflect on whatever you need to do to live in the present. This takes a conscious effort, but is so important in a world where we are constantly plugged in and self absorbed.

My phone is my biggest distraction, but never is it more important than the moment I am living in. Find people who make you want to forget about your phone. Be present. Be in the moment. Moments are precious (cliche .. very cliche but value the time you have with the people in your life things can change in the blink of an eye – honestly).

20. Life goes on.

Goes on and on, its like the song that never ends (Just kidding – clearly I was a camp kid because thats what came into my mind).

Seriously, you cannot stop life or put it on pause and make it wait for you to be ready. Life doesn’t wait for anyone, time doesn’t stop, these things will never change. It’s life. It’s reality. Take it as a lesson. You should never wait or put your life on pause. Stop wasting your time and be ready in the here and now, in the moment. Do things you want to do, say things you need to say. Start now. It’s never too late for a new adventure, a new chapter. Be who you are and say what you feel. Again, you will only learn new things and you will encourage self growth. Don’t hold yourself back from being the best you, you can be.

21. Nothing is better left unsaid.

Speak whats on your mind and whats in your heart – say it out loud. Within reason, if it going to degrade or bring others down – think about it. Take a moment to reflect. But take a chance to speak up about your ideas your feelings, your thoughts. That saying “we regret the changes we didn’t take or things we wish we had said” its true. Don’t hold back.

22. Love deeply

Spread your love in all forms, shapes and sizes. You have this one life – may as well spend it loving yourself and those around you. Speaking from someone who often cares too much and gives it my all there is never any regret in love and kindness. However, take that as a lesson – just because you feel that way does not mean it is reciprocated and that is tough to swallow. Cherish your friends and family. Relationships can come and go but remember – they may be a good human being but that doesn’t mean they are right for you. Don’t settle or lower your standards for anyone. But do keep loving and moving onward. Peeps, love is powerful and can make you do crazy things – embrace it.

Life is a journey; enjoy the ride my dudes

One more for good luck?

Something I am currently working on:

Be the best at anything anyone will let you do, even if you hate it. Even if you complain about it. Do your best. The right people will notice and it will change your life.

So much for keeping this one short oops, I am just a girl with a lot to say I guess… I ramble a lot… So thanks for reading?


Keep moving forward my peeps,


Perhaps TL;DR

You got it all.

The secret to having it all is knowing that you already do.

We can remind ourselves that there is only the notion of now and that it’s not the destination that matters most but rather how we feel along the way: grateful and happy or empty and constantly dissatisfied? That choice is completely up to you. Yup, that’s right. It is in YOUR hands.

Speaking from someone who has experience being anxious about absolutely everything that  has to do with pleasing others. Feeling like I was doing things the right way because I was “pleasing others” but really just making things significantly worse because my intentions were not true when I did things just because I was afraid to say no. This has been a struggle in the past – saying no to others- who am I kidding, this is still something I am working on. I am a work in progress – but hey at least I admit it?

Having the ability to channel your anxiety into a different perspective is so powerful and has helped me so much – hence why I am sharing with you all.

But. Honestly, as stated already: you already have everything you need to be at peace and be content. Sometimes it doesn’t feel that way. But you need to look at what you focus on on a daily basis? Write it down. Things become more clear when you clearly define what you want and what is actually happening. Do you look at everything you are grateful for OR what you believe is lacking in your life?

A lot of us (including myself) don’t want to be controlled by others, or some other higher figure (supervisors, peers, parental units, etc.) — but most importantly, we don’t want to take control of ourselves. I am NOTORIOUS for this.  In other words, you are resisting responsibility and accountability to yourself, and the changes you want to make. For as long as you resist control, your motivation for life, even if it is unconscious, will remain stuck. Stuck in a rut that keeps circulating back to the root of the problem. YOU. You are in your own way. So.. Time to face the truth.. Its hard – no-one said this process is easy. Trust me. Life is full of difficulties but they make you stronger (so cliche, I know).

It is only when loving yourself (and others) and balancing the love between both becomes more important to you than whether or not you are being subject to control, that you will be able to make progress.

Anytime you try to exert power over yourself with rigid rules and internally criticize yourself for doing what someone else needs or wants you are trying to force control over yourself in a way that isn’t productive.

Which in simple terms:

The power struggle between pleasing others and keeping yourself happy. 

The goal of both of these intentions is ultimately happiness, whether its for others or yourself you wanna keep everything at ease — but it’s a goal you can never reach without giving up the strategy you think is protecting you. The notion of brushing things under the rug.

If you are prone to ignoring situations in hopes they’ll go away (like myself), here are my thoughts on why brushing things under the rug does not help, but hurts you even more.

“You need to love yourself enough to set boundaries. Your time and energy are precious. You get to choose how you use it. You teach people how to treat you by deciding what you will and won’t accept.”


1. DON’T care (about almost anything) – don’t judge this just yet. finish reading.

We are like social animals (in my head I think of my dog – Caiman). We want acceptance from others. This eagerness to be noticed makes us care about what others think. We have all been there and cared what others think – don’t deny it.

Don’t feel threatened by a serious conversation (easier said than done – believe me I recently experienced this, and probably could have handled it SO much better – but hey learning experiences – am i right?). BUT, anyways, serious conversations: they need to happen. People need to hear what you need equally as much as you hearing what they need (the pit of wanting to say things but not being able too does NOT go away).

This is the worst ingredient for success. STOP CARING. There are two steps to this wonderful trick of life. Priorities. Balancing priorities is critical. Recognizing them & addressing them.

  1. Whenever you catch yourself caring about what others will think, ask yourself, will it matter to you in a few years from now? If no, don’t care. Almost 99% of things will fall in this category. A lot of the things we care about are “in the moment” things that make us uncomfortable in our own skin. Take this discomfort and tune into what you are learning from it, you are growing my peeps. Be comfortable being uncomfortable (HAHA, some things still make me uncomfy – no ones perfect, but the only way you will become more comfortable is by being uncomfortable enough times to be able to accept things for the way they are).
  2. If the answer is yes, then do care. There are things that matter. Your family, your health, your education, etc.. Things that will define your success and character in the long run. Things Matter. I’m not saying be a stone cold, you know what.

2. Are you stuck in a pattern?

No matter how much therapy you’ve undergone, how many other healing processes you try, or how many self-help books you read or even how many podcasts you listen too, sometimes things don’t work. You feel like some things are “just the way it is.”


Notice that resistance is a choice and notice that you yourself are making that choice.

Resistance is unconscious. No matter how many people try to tell you or make you realize, you may not be aware that you are actually choosing to make resisting decisions and are being controlled by things you are hesitant about. Things that seem more important even though you know deep down what is right. One way of becoming aware of the fact that you are resisting what you need is to decide to notice yourself choosing to resist. Instead of trying not to be in resistance, continue to resist but do it consciously. Understand why, and slowly, conform to what you need.

3. You want to change but you are not taking action.

You seem to have the best of intentions to following through to take care of yourself, but you don’t actually do it. This happens to me all the time. The disappointment and feelings of self-blame. The cycle of good intentions but not following through perpetuates itself and you feel like you are not in control anymore. It happens to the best of us, after all dudes, WE ARE ALL HUMAN (at least I hope you people are human and not robots).

Word of advice: Shift your intention.

Make a new choice that becoming a loving human is important whether or not you are being controlled or feel stuck. You will get unstuck when you realize that loving yourself is the first step to giving others the love that they need. A good place to start is by taking conscious action of what you need to genuinely feel content. You need to be alone? Take some alone time. You need to read? Go read. You need a cup of tea to calm down? DO IT. You need to turn off your phone and unplug from what is causing you stress. TURN IT OFF.  You need to send memes back and forth with a friend for a good laugh? GO FOR IT. You know what the right thing to do is, it’s all a matter of letting it resonate enough to be able to take action. Take the time you need to do so, things will surface when the time is right. You will begin to be comfortable enough with yourself to be able to acknowledge it.

This skill takes time. I still have NOT mastered it. Day by day, you’ll become more comfortable being uncomfortable. Just like me. After all, the saying goes

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.

4. This happens to me a lot.

Do you ever resent your own goals to make someone else as happy as you aspire to be?

Listen up – strong word of advice. You cannot make someone happier than you are with yourself. Energy is contagious. So focus on yourself before you focus on others. This is hard – especially coming from me a person who invests and cares so much about the people around me. I will leave you with this one thought. (you will soon realize that I am a tea addict).

Imagine that you are this tea pot. You steep your favourite tea (mine, orange peokoe). You share this tea with anyone who needs it – your significant other, clients, family, friends, and sometimes even strangers. You share with anyone that could use a little bit of help. You like sharing this tea – you like seeing others happy. However, the comes a point where the tea is weak or the pot is empty (BONE DRY). So you add some more water to the pot. However, its not the best tea anymore. This is where resentment lies. This is where burnout occurs. This is where problems surface. But let me tell you – you don’t need to be an empty teapot or a cup of weak tea. You need to focus on yourself and spend time replenishing it. With this you will become more productive and more balanced and in fact be more helpful then before. So don’t look it as being selfish. Being selfish is when you constantly put yourself before others. Taking some “you do you” time is not selfish. It is self- care.

Lastly, it is OKAY to say no sometimes. You are not indispensable. Whether its school, work, friends, or life take it one day at a time. Don’t spread yourself too thin (a bad habit I have).

You have all the answers inside you. You hold the power for your life to be the greatest. So go out and live your best life – because this is the only chance you get.


You are all beautiful human beings. Thanks for all the positivity and feedback 🙂
Keep pushing through my peeps,



 Someone once told me..

“Learn to be grateful for what you have, while you pursue all that you want” 

 Often, in the world there are moments when you think you have to hold on to what you have. But, what is meant for YOU, won’t pass by you.

Being in my 20’s I want to know exactly what my future will look like. However I have learned in my field that I need to look at the choices I am making right now. If I want something then I must work for it. Life is truly that simple.

 People tend to take for granted the good that is already in their lives. Gratitude is such a simple concept, yet SO difficult to be mindful of. Gratitude means expressing what you are thankful for, counting your blessing, noticing simple things that make you happy and acknowledging all that you receive. The practice of gratitude shifts your focus from what life lacks to recognizing the magnitude of fortune you are given.

 Gratitude is a powerful word. Being grateful is a powerful action that all of us need to cultivate. I challenge you after you are finished reading this post to grab a piece of paper and jot down 10 things you are grateful for. Whether this is your favourite people, the fact you have a roof over your head, meals to eat or whatever YOU are grateful for – write. it. down.

Writing down and reflecting on what you are grateful for now will prepare to set some new goals and intentions to crush!

Utilize what you’ve learned to nurture and build the people around you.

Leave these people better than you found them.


Stay grateful my peeps,
